User Management

Each Simply Stakeholders license has a set limit for the number of registered or "active" users. Active users will have a role assigned to them, and Inactive Users will remain listed in the system for the purposes of data integrity and auditing.



Add a User

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings menu
  2. Select Users
  3. Click the + button and enter the new Users details
  4. Select the relevant Role to assign & it will take 10 minutes for the role to be assigned
  5. Click Save

Note: You can create as many users as you need in Simply Stakeholders based on your license.

Remove a User/s

To maintain data integrity, Users cannot be deleted, but instead are made inactive. This ensures that audits can be conducted and that information remains available after the team member has left.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings menu
  2. Select Users & Roles
  3. Select the user from the left hand side column
  4. Deselect all of the access levels assigned and as an extra layer of security, select Locked
  5. Click Save

Unlock a User

A User will be locked when they enter the incorrect password 3 times. An Administrator can unlock the User and send a link to reset the password after the account has been unlocked.

  1. Search for the locked User
  2. Untick the Locked checkbox
  3. Click Save
  4. Click Send Password Reset Email